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Demystifying mysticism and understanding metaphysical superpowers!

Meta means beyond - physics means the physical - so metaphysics means beyond the typical perception of our physical senses and the physical universe!





Attunement of our senses and nervous systems

If we consider that our physical senses have evolved to be attuned for our survival as a species in the physical world we can then see that it is not such a big reach, to understand there is much more to our universe than our physical senses have been able to perceive or decipher. Many people are becoming more sensitive as humanities evolution progresses.


Chaos on Earth

Presently it feels chaotic here on Earth, as if we're completely out of control as a species, with no care about our home planet or the environmental damage we are leaving for our children to clear up.  It feels like there  is corruption and wars everywhere. It also feels that the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer.  it may feel that there is inequality all around us, between the 'haves and have nots.' However, chaos is just part of the process as we navigate the opening of our minds and the changes taking place within our DNA, our physical bodies and our nervous systems. 


Humanity is evolving.

We're evolving synchronistically alongside the carbon atoms evolution. This is occurring over generations, endowing us all with the abilities of being able to manifest what we need through our minds creative infrastructure and thought processes. Our nervous systems, our brains and our bodies are adapting to the carbon atoms evolution. This is spontaneously occurring as we are made up of approximately 18.5% carbon, so there is no stopping humanities r/evolution of consciousness to the higher dimensions, where everyone's needs are met and greed or poverty cannot survive.


This is not magic - 

- of course magic is not real. Magic, mysticism, spirituality and the occult are merely the sciences of chemistry, physics and biology that mainstream scientists do not yet understand because they are beyond the present scope of physicality, but we're getting there.


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