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Our New Earth Oracle
Orb on my shoulder
Orb spirit on my shoulder

Melanie Mahjenta

Parent carer and metaphysician


44 7450 1234 34



Devon UK

Date of Birth:

09 July 1967

Spiritual connection on camera - Pictures of my aura and a guide as an orb on my shoulder.

Qualifications And Work Experience - 2023 - age 57 

I've spent my whole life attempting to understand why I felt so different;  why I experienced emotions so intensely and then went on to question everything in our joint reality. On veering onto the spiritual path 20 years ago I started to make some sense of it all and have needed to completely unlearn what we are taught about reality in order to develop and attempt to live my truth. I've done this whilst floating between the dimensions and bringing up 4 children, who are neuro diverse, like myself.​


I could hold my head in my hands at the mistakes I have made; the people I have hurt and allowed to hurt me but then I ask myself what is the point to this, as there is no point., except to learn how NOT to do things!


SELF EMPOWERMENT is the name of the spiritual game and self kindness.


I have earned a spiritual Doctoral degree in metaphysics which interestingly I passed on the

06-06-06, plus I have completed life coaching courses, mental health courses and many courses in Autism too. Next year I am taking a post doctoral degree in autism with Sheffield Hallam University and the National Autistic Society which I am very excited about.



I bring  to your attention the passing of my Ph.D on 6.6.6. because it is the carbon atom that has 6 electrons, 6 neutrons an 6 protons is what is ascending through our brains and DNA into carbon 7 which has 6 electrons, 6 protons and only 1 neutron. Carbon 7 amplifies thought so increasing manifestation.   



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